Long-term strategies

A comprehensive, local strategy and corresponding action plan towards an inclusive digital mobility ecosystem.


What is it: The templates help to structure and give direction to the strategy development process. It describes the necessary elements for a comprehensive strategy.
When to use it: To develop a local strategy towards an inclusive digital mobility ecosystem. This method helps to structure the future plans, instead of starting from a blank page.
Flexibility: The tool can be adapted to different settings and geographical scale.

Type of results



Time / Duration: Several weeks and multiple iterations to develop a strategy.

Cost: PERSONNEL RESOURCES: To develop the strategy (at least several full working days per person).
OPTIONAL: Possible additions to the process could be designated workshops or brainstorm sessions, for which a suitable location and materials should be accounted for.

Materials: Strategy templates.
Output/information about the local (digital) mobility system.
Scenario’s about possible futures of the digital mobility system.

Expertise: MEDIUM-HIGH. A proper understanding of local policy making, the working of the public administration and the (digital) mobility context is highly relevant to develop a local strategy.
Experience in strategy development is recommended.

Stakeholders involved: Policy makers, administration, mobility and IT providers, end users.

Nº of participants: Not applicable.

Process (steps)

1. Composing the team that will work on the strategy and gathering all necessary material that informs the strategy.
2. Multiple iterations of completing the templates and refining the content of the strategy. Iterations can exist of collective sessions and individual work.


Main outcomes: A strategy and action plan that describe the goals, steps to take, stakeholders to involve, etc to work locally on inclusive digital mobility.

Tips / Remarks / Suggestions: It’s advised to start from a proper understanding of the digital gap in mobility on the local level and a thorough process of scenario building to inform and structure the choices made in the actual strategy.

Limitations of the method: Demanding process that depends on the participation and willingness/dedication of the people responsible for it.
To fully implement the resulting strategy, political commitment is crucial.